Tuesday, July 21, 2009

We've entered the Matrix

09-PhotowalkNYC-0537-2, originally uploaded by Kadath.

Spooky how many cameras there were in every direction in NYC. This one made me realize that we may catch the UK yet as far as eyes on the street.

My submissions for the NYC Photowalk Competition

09-PhotowalkNYC-0664, originally uploaded by Kadath.

I don't photowalk for the prizes, but they sure do add a nice little twist to it. I had a hard time choosing between my images, I had looked at a lot of the others which have been submitted already and I didn't see any that I thought could match up to the great images already there. None of my 'selects' looked like they really captured what I was going for nor would they be 'better' than others already up there. These two shots however seemed to say best what I saw and felt that day.

This first one seemed to have a kind of 'Half Life' twist to it, being watched on the streets by the security cam up high, hiding in plain view in the middle of the richly saturated (yet gritty) expanse of colorful background.

The second was a view from the Highline, which is a magnificent new park, surrounded by the timeless architecture of NYCs peaks and canyons. This one is 'The end of the line', and yet NYC is just beginning past the end of this park.


NYC Highline Photowalk: Grafitti

09-PhotowalkNYC-0675, originally uploaded by Kadath.

More shots from Saturday, this time graffiti and other artwork.








NYC Highline Photowalk: Architecture

09-PhotowalkNYC-0759, originally uploaded by Kadath.

More shots from Saturday's Photowalk.

Full set is -here-













Sights from the NYC Highline Photowalk

09-PhotowalkNYC-0680, originally uploaded by Kadath.

A couple of my favorite sights from the Highline walk. Will put up a couple other blog posts with Architecture shots and another of just graffiti.

Full set is -here-



09-PhotowalkNYC-0668 - Rusted Slug


09-PhotowalkNYC-0685, originally uploaded by Kadath.

Saw women walking out of this store carrying bags that said the name is "ShoeGasm". Very cool design and looked way above my pay grade. =)

Their website is -here-

Self Portrait Under Glass

09-PhotowalkNYC-0686, originally uploaded by Kadath.

Looks better bigger, click through to see the details like my windblown hair! =p

The Battle of Lackawanna

09-PhotowalkNYC-0611, originally uploaded by Kadath.

Shot while getting set up for the WorldWide Photowalk - NYC/Highline event on Saturday. More to follow on that soon.

I shot a short video of the walkers assembling and getting started:

WorldWide PhotoWalk 09 - NYC Highline from Sam Posten on Vimeo.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Memorial Day

09-MemorialDay-4527, originally uploaded by Kadath.

Runs like clockwork thanks to the hard work of the Department Secretary.

Full set -here-

The Victors

09-MikeBday-6270, originally uploaded by Kadath.

Sometimes the little guys gang up on the older brother!

From Mike Farrell's birthday party, full set -here-

Eddie on Mother's Day

09-May9thBaseball-4102, originally uploaded by Kadath.

Natural light.

Very late, but the full set from Mother's Day is -here-

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Kaboom on the Navesink River 09

09-RB-Fireworks-9561, originally uploaded by Kadath.

Pics are starting to filter in from RedBank Tonight, Kaboom on the Navesink River.

Full set is -here-

A short video of the Imagine sequence is here:

Imagine Kaboom on the Navesink from Sam Posten on Vimeo.

Download the full size version by right clicking and saving -here-

Friday, July 03, 2009

Atlantic Highlands Fireworks!

09-AH-FWorks-8809, originally uploaded by Kadath.

My favorite shoot of the year, and I think I'm getting better each time. Like always I DID bring the tripod but the boat was rocking so much it was useless. Went handheld the whole time.

Best of the bunch, IMO, is here:

And full set is -here-

This one is a bit blurry but i still like it:

More tomorrow at Kaboom on the Navesink, held in Red Bank which is the biggest in NJ!

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Long Exposures

09-Bday-StMarys-8641-2, originally uploaded by Kadath.

Experimented a bit with some 2-4 second long exposures at St. Mary's Fair in Middletown last night. Lots of fun and interesting streaks =) Painting with Light is a lot easier than drawing for me, I can't draw a straight line...

Full set -here-